

Aqua Phase Model AQ-3000 is the work horse of the Aqua Phase line. AQ-3000 is designed and built to handle the heavy washing requirements of large long term care facilities, large home medical and durable medical equipment dealers, and hospitals.

The AQ-3000 with the Disinfectant Application System will be an integral part of your infection control protocols.

The AQ-3000 comes standard with the Disinfection Application System, the Wheel Rotation System for wheelchair wheels, and a Front Door Safety Glass Window.

One of the key additional standard features of the AQ-3000 is the wall mounted studs. This allows you, now or in the future, to order the Utility Wash Trays System. More importantly, it allows you to customize your own racking system to handle your specific wash needs.

Like all Aqua Phase models, in order to operate the machine once the unit is located, all you need to do is hook up two hoses, one for the hot water fill and one for the drain, plug the Aqua Phase in and begin saving time, improving efficiency and enhancing infection-control.
